The beginning and end of Monday Morning
Since November 26, 2007, I have published 524 blog posts, including this, my final post.
Our Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP) is solidly a public health plan to overcome inequities in health and health care in North Carolina, the U.S. and around the world, in keeping with our school’s mission.
The fight for justice and equity continues in the U.S. and on our campus. It is not a time to give up or lose hope. In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., and all he stood for, we should recommit to action to achieve the still-unrealized dream.
At the Gillings School, we had intended to be residential for spring semester from the start, but as we moved steadily toward the first day of classes, it became urgent that we re-examine our plans. Given the transmissibility of the omicron variant, we decided – under conditions of uncertainty -- to err on the side of caution by starting with three weeks of remote instruction.
Viewing public health through the lens of well-being -- encompassing physical, mental and spiritual health, and the opportunity for every person to thrive -- will enable us to build more effective and meaningful workplaces, including schools of public health.