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Monday Morning blog entries represent the Dean’s point of view. She is not speaking on behalf of the University, School, faculty or students, and welcomes both positive and negative comments.
The Dean’s Office reviews and approves all comments posted to this blog, primarily to keep out spam. We do not censor comments based on political or ideological points of view. We encourage divergent points of view, respectfully stated, but we will not post comments that:
- ~ use abusive, foul or sexually explicit language
- ~ include ad hominem attacks or insult people based on gender, race, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or preference, disability, etc.
- ~ contain personal or private information such as birth dates or personal addresses
- ~ advertise products or include solicitations
- ~ are off topic.
Comments posted on this blog represent the ideas and views of the comment’s author. Comment inclusion in the blog does not indicate the Dean’s or School’s agreement or endorsement of the comment. Further, under the Communications Decency Act of 1996, comments that are libelous, defamatory, obscene, infringing of intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy or otherwise illegal are the responsibility of the comment’s author. You are solely responsible for your own comments and for the consequences of them being posted on this blog.
By writing a comment, you agree that:
- ~ You own and control the rights to the content, or your use of it is a protected fair use.
- ~ Your comment was not written under a false name or identity.
- ~ You did not knowingly write false or misleading content.
- ~ You will hold the Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC and its employees and faculty harmless for any and all claims resulting from the content you supply.
- ~ The School has the right and sole discretion to remove or not post any content that does not meet these and the other terms listed above.
Because of the sheer amount of spam, it may take a couple of days before a comment is posted. The Dean may not respond to every comment individually. In some cases, she will respond through the subsequent week’s blog entry. In such cases, so as not to violate confidentiality, she will not mention the sender by name but will repeat the issue that prompted the comment.
Dean Rimer also will acknowledge mistakes. If published posts are altered to correct mistakes, we will indicate that this has been done.