Public Health, Students

A message from Dean Barbara K. Rimer

September 17, 2012

This is the announcement I sent to students, faculty and staff this afternoon:

Earlier today, Chancellor Holden Thorp announced that he will step down as chancellor at the end of the academic year. It is a sad day, and especially so for the chancellor and his family. Holden is committed deeply to this University, and he has been an enthusiastic supporter of our School. I am grateful for his unfailing support. The events that led to his resignation also are sad and regrettable.

Still, this University has been a beacon for liberty and light for 219 years. Life will go on. The University will recover. Time heals. Holden’s many accomplishments will be celebrated and remembered, as they should be. He became chancellor at one of the most challenging times in our history.

As sad as I am personally about what has happened and Chancellor Thorp’s decision to step down, I am confident that our School is strong. Our faculty and staff will continue to be excellent in teaching, research and practice. Our students are fabulous. We will serve our communities. We will be vigilant and accountable.

You can read more about Chancellor Thorp and his accomplishments on the UNC website.

Thank you for your support of Carolina and this School.


Thinking of Chancellor Thorp and his family with compassion and gratitude,


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