More wins for Gillings students
I continue to be amazed, awed and astounded by our students.
I want to introduce you to a fabulous student project on which our students are working with an established program in India. As part of their participation in the Gillings Global Implementation Lab (GGIL), students travelled to India to work on FHI360’s Sahaay Project – a phone helpline for men who have sex with men...
Want to vote for something health-promoting and beneficial to NC high schools and students at our School? Read on. North Carolina recently passed legislation requiring public schools to adopt a comprehensive health education curriculum for grades seven through 12. This is great news. Our schools can have great impact helping teens establish healthy lifestyles that...
Anyone interested in advancing collaborative science should read the article, Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact, in the Oct. 25 issue of Science magazine. Dr. Brian Uzzi, distinguished professor at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management and colleagues report on their analysis of 17.9 million research papers. They set out to understand how novelty and conventionality in...
Taking a PHield trip to Orange County Last Friday, Anna Schenck, PhD, the School’s associate dean for Practice and director of its Public Health Leadership Program (PHLP) and North Carolina Institute for Public Health (NCIPH), took about 40 of our public health students to visit the Orange County Health Department (OCHD) in Hillsborough, NC. I...
It’s fun, joyful and focuses on our amazing people As dean, I wouldn’t miss a School commencement or the University ceremony. Commencement means beginning, but it is so much more. It’s a time out to celebrate who our students are and what they have accomplished before the next stage in life’s journey begins. It’s a pause...
While public health workers do not direct air traffic and therefore don’t grab national attention when furloughed or defunded, public health workers are essential to our country’s safety too. We’ll notice when there aren’t enough public health workers. But by then, it may be too late to deal with the next hurricane or epidemic or...
Share Four public health students tapped for Golden Fleece Gillings School of Global Public Health students are amazing. I know that, and our faculty members and staff know that, but I love it when our students get recognized by others. It was really fun and gratifying last Friday when four of our students were tapped...
Florida steering students toward majors that pay According to the December 10th New York Times, Florida Governor Rick Scott wants to steer students toward majors that pay—in jobs and higher salaries. English is one of the offending majors. It might seem like English is a bad bet for future jobs. When I graduated from the University...
Share Kudos to Jessica Boten, Liz Chen and fellow Health Behavior students at UNC Last week, Master of Public Health student Jessica Boten’s opinion piece (developed in Professor Kurt Ribisl’s Theoretical Foundations of Behavioral and Social Science class) on binge drinking ran in the Daily Tar Heel. Sunday Nov. 25, The Herald Sun (Durham, N.C.)...
This is the announcement I sent to students, faculty and staff this afternoon: Earlier today, Chancellor Holden Thorp announced that he will step down as chancellor at the end of the academic year. It is a sad day, and especially so for the chancellor and his family. Holden is committed deeply to this University, and...
Today, as part of our Welcome Back Event for students, the SPH’s Alumni Association, Student Government and Career Services organized a wonderful panel of fabulous alumni. Students asked questions, and alumni panelists answered. I was impressed by their wisdom and perspective. A few themes emerged. Whether doing an internship or in a position, leave...